
Webhooks allow you to send real-time notifications of events within tawk.to to external services.

You can configure a webhook to be sent on the following events:

  • Chat starts
  • Chat ends
  • New chat transcripts
  • New ticket is created
A webhook consists of:

When a webhook is triggered, a POST request will be made to the URL configured along with a JSON payload specific for the event type.

Managing webhooks

Webhooks can be managed via the tawk.to dashboard in the `Admin` section.

Currently supported events

Callback functions are invoked when the page status changes. The function will receive the changed status, which will be online, away or offline. This callback is not supported in pop out chat window.


  • Start
  • End
  • Transcript


  • Create

Retry policy

A webhook call will be retried for up to 12 hours if the http endpoint responds with anything but a success (2XX). If no response is received within 30 seconds, the call will be considered a failure and will also be reattempted. Each webhook event is assigned an event Id. The event Id is passed along with each request in the headers as X-Hook-Event-Id. The event Id will remain the same in case of retries.

Verifying webhook signature

Each webhook event is signed via a Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) using the webhooks secret key. The HMAC-SHA1 algorithm is used to generate the webhook payload signature. The signature is passed along with each request in the headers as ‘X-Tawk-Signature.’



const WEBHOOK_SECRET = 'webhook secret key';
const crypto = require('crypto');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');

function verifySignature (body, signature) {
    const digest = crypto
        .createHmac('sha1', WEBHOOK_SECRET)
    return signature === digest;
    type: 'application/json',
    verify: function (req, res, buf) {
        req.rawBody = buf;
app.post('/webhooks', function (req, res, next) {
    if (!verifySignature(req.rawBody, req.headers['x-tawk-signature'])) {
        // verification failed
    // verification success


const WEBHOOK_SECRET = 'webhook secret key';
function verifySignature ($body, $signature) {
    $digest = hash_hmac('sha1', $body, WEBHOOK_SECRET);
    return $signature === $digest ;
if (!verifySignature(file_get_contents('php://input'), $_SERVER['HTTP_X_TAWK_SIGNATURE'])) {
    // verification failed
// verification success


WEBHOOK_SECRET = 'webhook secret key';
post '/payload' do
    body = request.body.read
    signature = request.env['HTTP_X_TAWK_SIGNATURE']
    unless verifySignature(body, signature))
        // verification failed
    // verification success
def verifySignature(body, signature)
    digest = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest(OpenSSL::Digest.new('sha1'), WEBHOOK_SECRET, body)
    return digest == signature

Webhook event payload

Chat start event

Generated when the first message in a chat is sent by visitor or agent. Whispers and system notifications like triggers do not generate this event.

Chat start event payload

Property Type Description
event String Event name `chat:start`
chatId String Chat Id
time String Event generation date time in JSON format
message Object Message object (See below)
visitor Object Visitor object (see below)
property Object Property object (see below)

Message object

Property Type Description
text String Textual representation of message
type String Message type, enum value msg, file, webrtc-call
sender Object Sender info object (See below)

Sender info object

Property Type Description
type String Sender type, enum value agent, visitor, system

Visitor object

Property Type Description
name String Visitor name
email String Visitor email (Optional)
city String Visitor city
country String Visitor country in ISO 3166 format

Property object

Property Type Description
id String Property Id
name String Property name

    event: 'chat:start',
    chatId: '70fe3290-99ad-11e9-a30a-51567162179f',
    time: '2019-06-28T14:03:04.646Z',
    message : {
        text : 'Sample message',
        type : 'msg',
        sender : {
            type : 'visitor'
    visitor: {
        name: 'V1561719148780935',
        email : 'hello@test.com',
        city: 'jelgava',
        country: 'LV'
    property: {
        id: '58ca8453b8a7e060cd3b1ecb',
        name: 'Bobs Burgers'

Chat end event

Generated when a chat has ended

Chat end event payload

Property Type Description
event String Event name `chat:end`
chatId String Chat Id
time String Event generation date time in JSON format
visitor Object Visitor object (see below)
property Object Property object (see below)

Visitor object

Property Type Description
name String Visitor name
email String Visitor email (Optional)
city String Visitor city
country String Visitor country in ISO 3166 format

Property object

Property Type Description
id String Property Id
name String Property name

    event: 'chat:end',
    chatId: '70fe3290-99ad-11e9-a30a-51567162179f',
    time: '2019-06-28T14:04:08.718Z',
    visitor: {
        name: 'V1561719148780935',
        email : 'hello@test.com',
        city: 'jelgava',
        country: 'LV'
    property: {
        id: '58ca8453b8a7e060cd3b1ecb',
        name: 'Bobs Burgers'

Chat transcript created event

Generates full transcript of chats in a session after it has ended

Chat transcript event payload

Property Type Description
event String Event name `chat:transcript_created`
time String Event generation date time in JSON format
property Object Property object (see below)
chat Object Chat object (see below)

Property object

Property Type Description
id String Property Id
name String Property name

Chat object

Property Type Description
id String Chat Id
visitor Object Visitor object (see below)
messages Object List of messages (see below)

Visitor object

Property Type Description
name String Visitor name
email String Visitor email (Optional)
city String Visitor city
country String Visitor country in ISO 3166 format

Message object

Property Type Description
sender Object Sender object (see below)
type String Message type
msg String Text message
time String Message sent time
attchs Object List of attachments (see below)

Sender object

Property Type Description
t String Sender type (a - agent, v - visitor, s - system)
n String Sender name (sender type 'agent' or 'system')
id String Sender ID (sender type 'agent')

Attachment object

Property Type Description
type String Message type
content Object Attachment content
content.file Object Attachment file
content.file.url String File URL
content.file.name String File name
content.file.mimeType String File MIME type
content.file.size Number File size
content.file.extension String File extension

    event: 'chat:transcript_created',
    time: '2024-07-03T01:02:37.780Z',
    chat: {
        id: '70fe3290-99ad-11e9-a30a-51567162179f',
        visitor: {
            name: 'V1561719148780935',
            email : 'hello@test.com',
            city: 'jelgava',
            country: 'LV'
        messages: [
                sender: {
                    t: 's',
                    n : 'Customer Support'
                type: 'msg',
                msg : '👋 Hi! How can we help?\n[option]I have a question\n[option]Tell me more',
                time: '2024-07-03T01:02:37.780Z'
                sender: {
                    t: 'v'
                type: 'msg',
                msg : 'Tell me more',
                time: '2024-07-03T01:02:48.176Z'
                sender: {
                    t: 'a',
                    n : 'Eugene',
                    id : '666668688fe587223fdf8685'
                type: 'msg',
                msg : 'msg',
                time: '2024-07-03T01:02:37.780Z',
                attchs: [
                        type: 'file',
                        content: {
                            file: {
                                url: 'https://tawkto.link/66666880e73507189f888c92/files/message/2qTwJwVVC8/tawky_big.png',
                                name : 'tawky_big.png',
                                mimeType: 'image/png',
                                size: 3797,
                                extension: 'png',
    property: {
        id: '58ca8453b8a7e060cd3b1ecb',
        name: 'Bobs Burgers'

Ticket created event

Generated when a new ticket is created.

Ticket create event payload

Property Type Description
event String Event name `ticket:create`
time String Event generation date time in JSON format
requester Object Ticket requester object (see below)
property Object Property object (see below)
ticket Object Ticket object (see below)

Ticket requester object

Property Type Description
name String Visitor name
email String Visitor email

Property object

Property Type Description
id String Property Id
name String Property name

Ticket object

Property Type Description
id String Ticket Id
humanId Number Ticket human Id
subject String Ticket subject
message String Ticket message content

    event: 'ticket:create',
    time: '2019-06-28T14:07:13.512Z',
    property: {
        id: '58ca8453b8a7e060cd3b1ecb',
        name: 'Bobs Burgers'
    requester: {
        name: 'Martins',
        email: 'martins@tawk.to',
        type: 'agent'
    ticket: {
        id: '02598050-99ae-11e9-8887-97564881b95b',
        humanId: 3,
        subject: 'Testing',
        message: 'Once more through the breach'